Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mughal Canal Market fill with sudden panic by firing.

Two sides clashed in mugal canal market just for a parking issue. Controversy arised over the parking of a vehicle. One party people fired & sensation spread in the market. The shopkeepers came out when they heard spund firing.On getting information, the police reached the spot and arrested six people from both sides.
On Wednesday night at around 8 P.M. 2 parties clashed for parking their party took out their guns and the others just lifted bats and rods.when they fired bullets the crowd just beat them.People standing on the sidelines broke Accent car that was parked their.
People said after the police siezed them , 4 people arrived and just took away the Gandasi and asla.People on the spot said anyone who was passing by this way, they were just pointing the gun on him.

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